The Khora Community Centre aims to facilitate shared ownership and active involvement by those who use the space and the local community, to create a place where people from a diverse set of backgrounds, cultures and languages can learn, work, create, socialise and relax.
The centre offers support, including but not limited to; food, education, medical, internet and computer access, information, legal, kids area, women’s space, workshop and a safe space to spend the day.
Donate through our Greek Bank Account
Account name: Khora Community Centre IBAN: GR32 0172 0790 0050 7909 1525 571 Address: PIRAEUS BANK S.A. 4 Amerikis St, 105 64 Athens, Greece
Donate through crowdfunding
This Summer a group of incredible people will cycle the 2000 miles from London to Athens to raise money for Khora, the 3rd year in a row! Follow the link below if you would like to make a donation. The easiest way to do this is through their fundraising page. All funds through the page will go directly to Khora. Visit the website for more details and how you can get involved.
Donate through PayPal